Chris Moreno
Chris Moreno, a newcomer to the improv scene, is, by day, a rising star in the comic book industry whose current project, Dracula Vs. King Arthur, makes its debut this year. Chris has provided illustrations for gaming companies like Burning Wheel, and Kenzer & Co. on their Hackmaster game products. He's also doing the interior artwork for frequent collaborator Tony DiGerolamo's Complete Mafia for d20, a mob-themed role-playing game coming out later in the year. He's the co-creator of Monkey in a Wagon Vs. Lemur on a Big Wheel, the touching tale of the ultimate battle for primate suprecmacy, along with writer Ken Lillie-Paetz. Up next in the world of comic books is his creator-owned comics project, The Rot Pack, which will be debuting next year, and the film noir thriller, Anchorhead: The Devil's Town. Not bad for a guy who never learned to read.