Jay has been a fixture on the Philly Improv scene since 2006, when he took several classes from PHIT. He joined the Ninjas in 2007. Originally from Memphis, TN; Jay moved to the Philadelphia region in 2004 with stop-overs along the way in Lawrence, KS and Atlanta, GA. He has a borderline unhealthy obsession with sports (college basketball in particular) and politics (hopeless candidates in particular).
In addition to his work in the Ninjas, Jay performed in 2007's version of Troika in Philadelphia with a group called 'Z for Effort.' They won second place in the second season (whatever that means). In late 2007, Jay put together and led a workshop on Improv as a metaphor for personal growth at a holistic learning center in New Jersey (the participants were very happy). He hopes to teach an intro to improv course there quite soon. Jay has also briefly done pod-casting and stand-up comedy --- but now prefers improv because all you have to do is show up and practice.