Email Pledge Jack

Jack Off


Jack Sutley

Prestigious Ryesmore University

Lambda Sigma Rho




Ability to Project Fire from body.

Mean people.



Coolville, OH

book collecting, the SCA, translating Dilbert strips into Klingon, computer games, editing anime to music, collectible card games

Cadet in ROTC, Vice President of Ryesmore Gaming Club, Parliamentarian of College Town Comic Book Club, Herald in SCA, First Lieutenant in Ryesmore Star Trek Club

I like people because I'm a people-person. I love my high school sweetheart, Doria.

Well, I'd hate to use that strong of a word. I can't hate anyone really. I think people are too mean sometimes. I hate that, but I don't hate them.

My brother was a legacy, so I got to pledge automatically. They're a great bunch of guys! Brother Rubber is always asking me about Doria and wants to be meet her when she visits.

I'm always "down" to "party" as the kids say! My girlfriend and I have an understanding that since we're so far away during the school year we can go out with other people. So if you'd like to go get some ice cream sometime or see a movie in a strictly Platonic way, I'm your man!

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