Behind the Scenes @ the San Diego Comicon
Webcomics and the San Deigo Comicon
by writer, Tony DiGerolamo
So it started out something like this: Some of the webcomic guys got together and decided to combine forces to get a table at the San Diego Comicon. This was a huge thing for Super Frat to be a part of, as all the other webcomics are much more established. The plan was to make a comic book that we could sell to pay for the both. An ambitious and creative plan, I thought. Immediately, the guys at Silent Devil were into it. Chris Moreno was asked to do the cover and he did it, despite his insanely busy schedule. (I don't think he's seen sunlight in 8 months now.) We also came up with two Super Frat strips just for the comic. Here are some photos from the event:
The webcomic crossover. It's probably the first of its kind. We only printed about 1500. If there are still any left, you can order them here. It also included Order of the Stick, but sadly Rich, the creator, couldn't make it this year.
Pledgemaster Dick gets shamed on the banner. Trust me, he deserves it.

The full banner in all its glory. We put it up on ebay to raise more money for the booth.
Jennie Breedan, creator of the Devil's Panties, eats one of the many snacks brought to her by her rabid fans.

Peter Abrams (seated left) of Sluggy Freelance and his friend Tom (seated right) meet the throng of Slugphiles that came out. Pete was mobbed most of the convetion.
Rob Balder of Partially Clips stocks the table.

Chris Impink of Fragile Gravity manned the cash register and handled lots of the money.
Lauren Perry, Silent Devil editor, stops by to say hi.

Jennie what are you doing with those plushies? Nevermind, I don't want to know.
Gloria and Tom, the Sluggy Freelance support team, really helped out.

Yours truly signs the Super Collider.
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