Current SJRP Talent
Current Talent at South Jersey Rebellion Productions
Chris Moreno
Penciler, The Travelers #12-22, parts of 25, inking on The Travelers #12, cover artist Travelers #25, interior illustrator for Complete Mafia for d20
Issue 12 was Chris's first full comic book and what a debut! He's since gone on to design many of the classic Travelers characters and sets! His current projects include being the artist for Dracula vs. King Arthur and our online comic, Super Frat.
James Dunn
Inker: Jersey Devil #12, Penciler: The Travelers #10, Inker: The Travelers #9-#25
James was an attendee of the Kubert School and inker on Parody Press's Monkey Business #1. Visit James' website, Pen n' Ink Productions.
Tommy Castillo
Cover Artist for The Travelers #13, #15, #20 & Complete Mafia for d20 cover and back cover
I met Tommy at the very first Jersey Devil Con with Chris. Tommy's sort of like Michael Angelo if he drew horror stuff and had access to internet porn. Currently, he's drawing Batman for DC Comics. Go to his website, you'll be glad you did.
Brian Dawson
Penciller, The Travelers 0-#7, #9, #24, inks on the trade paperback, (also inks and lettering on #3), Tony DiGerolamo's Jersey Devil #4 last 15 pgs
Hailing from Bear, DE, Brian works at a graphics house and does some amazing T-shirts as well as pencils.
Jay Moreno
Inker, The Travelers #13 thru #19, cover for The Travelers #23
Jay is another student of Tommy Castillo. He's also Chris's younger brother.
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