The Travelers #5

Title: Tony DiGerolamo’s The Travelers #5

Return of the Armoroids!

Issue stats: 32 pages, b&w, $2.95
Writer: Tony DiGerolamo
Penciller: Brian Dawson
Inker: Brian & Brendon Fraim
Cover Colors: Kevin Daily
Cover Pencils: Kevin Daily

Distribution: Previews (June ’00), 25 gaming distributors
First shipped: Available in stores since August 00’

First Appearances: Kardak, Malus the dragon, Sir Woodward's sword, the octopus, Shiningford, the Brood Boyz, Malum, Pullus, Dolus, the Littlons, the Armoroids, Sojournor, Iron Todd, Mother Sepias

Issue quirks: 2 page KODT strip and digitally produced cover.

Issue Events: Run down of supporting characters Fast Eddie, Princess Chastity & Maid Margaret

Issue Synopsis:

When the spoiled rotten, Princess Chastity, misplaces her suitor, Sgt. T.S., it's up to our heroes to find him. But the Sarge is on a mission to slay dragons and nothing, not even dragons with a secret weapon, will stop him! What secret lies in the ruins of Shiningford? A brood of baby dragons known as the Brood Boyz! Can our heroes save the Sarge? And who are the mysterious Littlons? Find out in this action packed issue!

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